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NOTE: Some Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) may have an alphabetical suffix, known as "Shredout." The shredout identifies specialization in a specific aircraft or system. (Example: 2A353M.) The shredout has no bearing toward creditable experience. |
2A251 (Old Codes 2A354, 2A351, 32656, 32657, 32658, 45251, 45253) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A271 (Old Codes 2A374, 2A371, 32676, 32677, 32678, 45271, 45273) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A252 (Old Codes 2A354, 2A351, 32656, 32657, 32658, 45251, 45253) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A272 (Old Codes 2A374, 2A371, 32676, 32677, 32678, 45271, 45273) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A253 (Old Codes 2A354, 2A351, 32656, 32657, 32658, 45251, 45253) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A273 (Old Codes 2A374, 2A371, 32676, 32677, 32678, 45271, 45273) -- Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A300 (Old Codes 32900, 43200, 45100, 45200, 45400) -- Fighter/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Chief Enlisted Manager -- Airframe and/or Powerplant. ASI evaluation required to determine appropriate rating(s). 2A353 (Old Codes 43151, 45254) -- Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman --Airframe and Powerplant 2A373 (Old Codes 43171, 45274) -- Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A354 (Old Codes 2A351, 32656, 32657, 32658, 45251, 45253) -- Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Journeyman -- Airframe 2A374 (Old Codes 2A371, 32676, 32677, 32678, 45271, 45273) -- Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Craftsman -- Airframe 2A355 (Old Codes 2A352, 32656, 32657, 32658, 45252) -- Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Journeyman -- Airframe 2A375 (Old Codes 2A372, 32676, 32677, 32678, 45272) -- Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Craftsman -- Airframe 2A357 (Old Code 2A353, 43151, 45254) -- Tactical Aircraft Maintenance (5th Generation) Journeyman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A377 (Old Codes 2A373, 43171, 45274) -- Tactical Aircraft Maintenance (5th Generation) Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A358 (Old Codes 2A353, 43151, 45254) -- Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A378 (Old Codes 2A373, 43171, 45274) -- Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A390 (Old Codes 32690, 32691, 32692, 32699, 43191, 43199, 45292, 45299) -- Fighter/Remotely Piloted Tactical Aircraft Superintendent -- Airframe and/or Powerplant. ASI evaluation required to determine appropriate rating(s). 2A500 (Old Codes 2A300, 32900, 43200, 45100, 45200, 45400) -- Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Chief Enlisted Manager -- Airframe and/or Powerplant. ASI evaluation required to determine appropriate rating(s). 2A551 (Old Codes 43151, 43152, 43153, 45353, 45750, 45752) -- Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A571 (Old Codes 43171, 43172, 43173, 45373, 45770, 45772) -- Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A552 (Old Codes 43150, 45751) -- Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A572 (Old Codes 43170, 45771) -- Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A553 (Old Codes 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A573 (Old Codes 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A554 (Old Codes 2A551, 43151, 43152, 43153, 45353, 45750, 45752) -- Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A574 (Old Codes 2A571, 43171, 43172, 43173, 45373, 45770, 45772) -- Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe and Powerplant 2A590 (Old Codes 2A490, 32390, 32391, 32591, 32894, 32899, 32900, 43190, 43191, 43199, 45390, 45599, 45791, 45793, 45799) Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Superintendent -- Airframe and/or Powerplant. ASI evaluation required to determine appropriate rating(s). 2A600 (Old Codes 32900, 43200, 45200, 45400) -- Aircraft Systems Chief Enlisted Manager -- May qualify for Airframe or Powerplant. ASI evaluation required to determine appropriate rating. 2A651 (Old Codes 42652, 42653, 43152, 45450) -- Aerospace Propulsion Journeyman -- Powerplant 2A671 (Old Codes 42672, 42673, 43172, 45470) -- Aerospace Propulsion Craftsman -- Powerplant 2A691 (Old Codes 42692, 42693, 43192, 45490) -- Aerospace Propulsion Superintendent -- Powerplant 2A654 (Old Codes 42353, 45453) -- Aircraft Fuel Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A674 (Old Codes 42373, 45473) -- Aircraft Fuel Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A655 (Old Codes 42354, 45454) -- Aircraft Hydraulic Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A675 (Old Codes 42374, 45474) -- Aircraft Hydraulic Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A656 (Old Codes 42350, 42351, 45255, 45455, 45456) -- Aircraft Electrical & Environmental Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A676 (Old Codes 42370, 42371, 45275, 45475, 45476) -- Aircraft Electrical & Environmental Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A690 (Old Codes 42390, 45295, 42396, 45492, 45493, 45494, 45495, 45496) -- Aircraft Systems Superintendent -- May qualify for Airframe. ASI evaluation required. 2A753 (Old Codes 42751, 42755, 45852) -- Aircraft Structural Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe 2A773 (Old Codes 42771, 42775, 45872) -- Aircraft Structural Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe 2A755 (Old Codes 2A753, 42751, 42755, 45852) -- Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance Journeyman -- Airframe 2A775 (Old Codes 2A773, 42771, 42775, 45872) -- Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance Craftsman -- Airframe 2A790 (Old Codes 42792, 42799, 45891, 45899) -- Aircraft Fabrication Superintendent -- May qualify for Airframe. ASI evaluation required. 2A851 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A871 (Old Codes 2A573, 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A852 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A872 (Old Codes 2A573, 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A951 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A971 (Old Codes 2A573, 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A952 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Journeyman -- Airframe 2A972 (Old Codes 2A573, 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 2A953 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Bomber/Special Electronic Warfare and Radar Surveillance Integrated Avionics Journeyman -- Airframe 2A973 (Old Codes 2A573, 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Bomber/Special Electronic Warfare and Radar Surveillance Integrated Avionics Craftsman -- Airframe |
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